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   这些操作包括氧疗(包括用鼻导管)、诱导痰、人工通气、无创通气和插管。以下是世界卫生组织(WHO)的建议: www.who.int/publications-detail/infection-prevention-and-control-during-health-care-when-novel-coronavirus-(ncov)-infection-is-suspected-20200125




(中日友好医院 林江涛编译)


Interim guidance onasthma MANAGEMENT during the COVID-19 pandemic


Advise patients with asthma to continue taking their prescribed asthma medications, particularly inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)medications, and oral corticosteroids (OCS) if prescribed
Asthma medications should be continued as usual during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes ICS-containing medications (alone or in combination), and add-on therapy including biologic therapy for severe asthma. Stopping ICS often leads to potentially dangerous worsening of asthma.
For a small proportion of patients with severe asthma, long-term OCS may sometimes be needed, and it is very dangerous to stop these suddenly. Advise patients to discuss with you before stopping any asthma medication.
Make sure that all patients have a written asthma action plan
An action plan tells the patient how to recognize worsening asthma, how to change their reliever and controller medications, and when to seek medical help. A short course of OCS may be needed during severe asthma flare-ups (exacerbations). See the GINA 2020 report for more information about the options for asthma action plans.
Where possible, avoid using nebulizers due to the risk of transmitting infectionto healthcare workers and other patients
Nebulizers can transmit respiratory viral particles for ~1 meter. Instead, to deliver short-acting b2-agonist for acute asthma in adults and children, use a pressurized metered-dose inhaler and spacer, with a mouthpiece or tightly fitting face mask, if required.
Avoid spirometry in patients with confirmed/suspected COVID-19
Spirometry can disseminate viral particles and expose staff and patients to risk of infection. If there is community transmission of COVID-19, postpone spirometryand peak flow measurement within health care facilities unless there is an urgent need.
Follow infection control recommendationsif other aerosol-generating procedures are needed
These include oxygen therapy (including with nasal prongs), sputum induction, manual ventilation, non-invasive ventilation andintubation.World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations are found here: www.who.int/publications-detail/infection-prevention-and-control-during-health-care-when-novel-coronavirus-(ncov)-infection-is-suspected-20200125
Follow local health advice about hygiene strategies and use of personal protective equipment, as new information becomes available in your country or region
Additional resources
The website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides up to date information about COVID-19 for health professionals: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/hcp/index.html, and patients: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.
The website of the World Health Organization (WHO) provides comprehensive advice for health professionals and health systems about prevention and management of COVID-19:www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/technical-guidance
Global Initiative for Asthma, March 26, 2020

上一篇: 全国哮喘研究协作组“哮喘急性发作住院患者回顾性研究”近期于AAIR杂志在线发表
下一篇: GINA关于推迟2020世界哮喘日宣传活动的通知
