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   鉴于2019新型冠状病毒全球大流行, GINA已决定推迟2020世界哮喘日的宣传活动,直至另行通知。作为呼吸健康的倡导者,我们与你们分享一个共同的目标,即尽我们所能减少2019新型冠状病毒带来的影响,意味着此时我们通过分享下面的药物使用信息,促进哮喘患者持续使用吸入装置。


   我们了解到,一些哮喘倡导者已经拟定了世界哮喘日活动的计划,因此我们将2020世界哮喘日的标识和主题(Enough Asthma Deaths)发布在GINA官网(https://ginasthma.org/wad/),以供你们使用,但是在此特殊时期,我们不会大力推动世界哮喘日活动。



(中日友好医院 林江涛 编译)

Postpone Our Promotion of World Asthma Day

Dear Friends of GINA,

In light of the COVID-19  global pandemic, GINA has decided to postpone our promotion of World Asthma Day until further notice. As respiratory health advocates, we share with you the common goal of minimizing the impact of COVID-19 as best we can, which at this time means sharing the medication use information below for asthma patients to continue the use their inhaler devices at this time (https://ginasthma.org/recommendations-for-inhaled-asthma-controller-medications/).

We understand that some asthma advocates have already planned virtual World Asthma Day events, and for that reason we are keeping the logos and theme (Enough Asthma Deaths) posted on the GINA site for your use (https://ginasthma.org/wad/), but at this time we will not be actively promoting this event.

We will announce the plans for a future World Asthma Day when the time seems appropriate, for now please follow good handwashing hygiene, proper social distancing and continue to use your asthma medications as prescribed by your doctor.

In good health,
The GINA Board of Directors and Science Committee

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