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   方法:这些数据是在意大利多中心,基于人群的多案例控制研究GEIRD中收集的。 2227名参与者(年龄21-86岁,女性50%)接受标准化问诊、皮肤点刺试验和肺功能测试,并分为当前哮喘病例组(n = 528),无哮喘的鼻炎组(n = 972)以及对照组( N = 727)。询问来自患者健康问卷(PHQ-2)的两个具体问题以识别出抑郁情绪和快感缺乏的症状,这些症状代表抑郁症。

(中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 张鑫 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(Respir Med. 2019 Jun 30;155:6-12)

Depression is associated with poor control of symptoms in asthma and rhinitis: A population-based study.
Grosso A, Pesce G, Marcon A, Piloni D, Albicini F, Gini E, Marchetti P, Battaglia S, Ferrari M, Fois A, Piccioni P, Antonicelli L, Verlato G, Corsico AG.
BackgroundAlthough many studies have highlighted the link between asthma/rhinitis and depression, it is still unclear which characteristics of these diseases are associated with the risk of depression. We aimed to explore the relationship between depression and asthma or rhinitis in a representative sample of the Italian general population. 
MethodsThe data were collected in GEIRD, an Italian multicenter, population-based, multicase-control study. 2227 participants (age 21–86 years, female 50%) underwent standardized interviews, skin prick and lung function tests, and were divided into cases of current asthma (n = 528), rhinitis without asthma (n = 972), and controls (n = 727). Two specific questions from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2) were asked to identify symptoms of depressed mood and anhedonia, which were used as a proxy of major depression disorder. 
ResultsThe prevalence of depression was 16.7%, 11.9%, and 5.1% in subjects with asthma, rhinitis and controls, respectively. Both in asthma and rhinitis, subjects with depression had worse respiratory-health related quality of life and more frequent disease-related symptoms than their non-depressed counterparts. In asthma, depression was associated with poorer disease control. In rhinitis, depression was significantly associated with a disease-related limitations in daily activities and greater risk of symptom exacerbations and prescriptions of medicines for breathing. Cases of rhinitis with depression were less likely to be atopic. 
ConclusionsOur results suggest that rhinitis exacerbations, particularly in non-atopic subjects, and low asthma control are strongly related to the presence of depressed mood in adults from the general population.

上一篇: 1个月至13岁哮喘患儿气道阻塞和支气管反应:一项前瞻性出生队列研究
下一篇: 成人哮喘发作的风险随着过敏性多发性疾病的数量增加而增加,随着年龄的增长而降低
