

   结果:有421名受试者咳嗽至少持续8周。低于冰点的空气作为咳嗽触发因素与哮喘的发生具有相关性,调整后的比值比(aOR)为7.27(4.09-12.9)(p <0.001)。咳嗽触发因素的数量在哮喘中比值最大,其次为慢性鼻窦炎、反流性食管炎和特发性咳嗽,其分别为(7.05(6.14-7.96)、4.94(4.35-5.54)、4.60(3.77-5.43)及3.44(3.02-3.86),p <0.001)。五个及以上触发因素的存在与哮喘的发生具有相关性,aOR为7.49(3.96-14.2)(p < 0.001)。无触发因素存在增加了特发性咳嗽的可能性(aOR 2.71(1.54-4.77),p=0.001)。

(中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 张 鑫 翻译 林江涛 审校)
(Respir Med. 2019 May 11;153:26-30. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2019.05.004.)

Subfreezing air as a cough trigger and multiple triggers are strongly associated with the presence of asthma in chronic cough.

Koskela HO, Lätti AM, Pekkanen J.

BACKGROUND: Management of chronic cough relies on the recognition of cough background disorders. It is not known whether certain cough triggers are associated with specific background disorders.
METHODS: This was an e-mail study to public service employees of two towns in Finland. The questionnaire included twelve triggers. Current asthma was defined as doctor's diagnosis of asthma and current wheezing. Chronic rhinosinusitis was defined as either nasal blockage or nasal discharge and either facial pain/pressure or reduction/loss of smell for more than three months.Gastroesophageal reflux disease was defined as heartburn and/or regurgitation on at least one day a week during the last three months. Idiopathic cough was defined as absence of any of them.
RESULTS: There were 421 subjects with current cough that had lasted at least eight weeks. Subfreezing air as a cough trigger was associated with an adjusted odds ratio (aOR) of 7.27 (4.09-12.9), (p < 0.001), for current asthma. The number of cough triggers was largest in asthma, followed by chronic rhinosinusitis,gastroesophageal reflux, and idiopathic cough (7.05 (6.14-7.96), 4.94 (4.35-5.54), 4.60 (3.77-5.43), and 3.44 (3.02-3.86), respectively, p < 0.001).Presence of five or more triggers was associated with an aOR of 7.49 (3.96-14.2),(p < 0.001) for current asthma. Absence of any cough triggers increased the probability of idiopathic cough (aOR 2.71 (1.54-4.77), p = 0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: Subfreezing air as a cough trigger and multiple triggers are strongly associated with the presence of current asthma in chronic cough. Absence of any cough triggers increases the probability of idiopathic cough.

上一篇: 哮喘缓解的病理生理学研究进展
下一篇: 肺计算模型和小气道在哮喘中的作用
