ARIA Phase 4 (2018):采用移动技术改变变应性鼻炎和哮喘的多重发病率管理


   过敏性鼻炎及其对哮喘的影响(ARIA)已经从使用最佳方法的指南发展为使用移动技术的整合医疗路径(ICPs)。推荐ARIA的下一阶段是变更管理(CM),旨在为鼻炎患者和哮喘共病患者提供积极健康的生活,无论他们的性别或社会经济地位如何,以减少疾病造成的健康和社会不平等。ARIA遵循Kotter的8步模型,评估和实施鼻炎对哮喘共病的影响,并提出针对多病的治疗指南。ARIA 4期针对鼻炎和哮喘共病提出了第二种变更管理策略,以增加患者的自主用药和共享决策。ARIA的创新之一是开发和验证基于IT的循证工具(MASK: Mobile Airways Sentinel Network),该工具可以向患者提供专业医护人员提出的自我护理计划。

(复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸与危重症医学科 魏婷婷 摘译  毕晶 审校)
(J Allergy Clinlmmunol 2018 sep 28)


ARIA Phase 4 (2018): Change management in allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using mobile technology

Bousquet J, Hellings PW, et al. J Allergy Clinlmmunol 2018 sep 28

Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) has evolved from a guideline using the best approach to integrated care pathways (ICPs) using mobile technology in AR and asthma multimorbidity. The proposed next phase of ARIA is Change Management (CM) with the aim of providing an active and healthy life to rhinitis sufferers and to those with asthma multimorbidity across the life cycle whatever their gender or socio-economic status in order to reduce health and social inequities incurred by the disease. ARIA has followed the 8-step model of Kotter to assess and implement the impact of rhinitis on asthma multimorbidity and to propose multimorbid guidelines. A second change management strategy is proposed by ARIA Phase 4 to increase self-medication and shared decision making in rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity. An innovation of ARIA has been the development and validation of IT evidence-based tools (MASK: Mobile Airways Sentinel Network) that can inform patient decisions on the basis of a self-care plan proposed by the health care professional.

上一篇: 学校教授的自我管理干预措施在儿童和青少年哮喘患者中的有效性:来自Cochrane系统综述和荟萃分析的结果
下一篇: 哮喘对生活质量量表(A-IQOLS)的影响在不同哮喘研究人群和人群亚群中的表现
