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   哮喘影响了中国大量患者,但哮喘伴鼻部疾病患者中哮喘控制不佳的风险综合评估仍然较为有限。本研究旨在综合评估中国合并鼻腔疾病的哮喘患者疾病控制情况,探讨各种鼻部疾病对哮喘控制的影响,并找出与未控制的合并鼻腔疾病的哮喘患者相关的危险因素。本研究调查了代表中国大陆所有地区的1756名年龄大于17岁的合并鼻腔疾病的哮喘患者。研究使用模型为包含所有人口统计特征和疾病特征因素相关的多因素逻辑回归模型,用来识别与未控制哮喘相关的危险因素。56.4%的哮喘合并过敏性鼻炎、鼻窦炎或鼻息肉的患者,哮喘仍未得到控制。未伴随过敏性鼻炎、年龄较小、治疗依从性较好和文化程度较高,可能会对合并鼻部疾病哮喘患者的哮喘控制产生积极影响。合并过敏性鼻炎哮喘患者中,常年性过敏性鼻炎(OR = 1.5,P = 0.021),中重度过敏性鼻炎(OR = 2.2,P = 0.001)均显著增加哮喘未控制的风险。高哮喘未控制率表明,中国伴有鼻部疾病的成人哮喘患者的哮喘管理仍然是一项挑战。努力提高哮喘管理的意识并提供充分的治疗,将大大有助于提高哮喘管理的质量。通过改善鼻腔功能,特别是对于更严重的过敏性鼻炎和常年性过敏性鼻炎,可以最小化过敏性鼻炎对哮喘控制的影响。

(中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 顾宪民 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(PLoS One. 2018 Feb 22;13(2):e0191543.)
The characteristic of asthma control among nasal diseases population: Results from a cross-sectional study.

Lin J, Gao J, Lai K, Zhou X, He B, Zhou J, Wang C.
Asthma affects a large number of patients in China, but comprehensive evaluation of risks associated with poor asthma control in asthmatic patients with nasal diseases was still limited. We conducted this study to provide a comprehensive estimate of asthma control in Chinese asthma patients with combined nasal diseases, to explore the effect of kinds of nasal diseases on the asthma control, and to identify risk factors associated with uncontrolled asthmatic patients with combined nasal diseases. 1756 asthma patients concomitant with nasal diseases aged ≥17 years and representing all regions of mainland China were surveyed. Multivariate logistic regression model with all related demographic characteristics and disease characteristics factors entered was used to identify risk factors associated with uncontrolled asthma. 56.4% of asthmatic patients with combined allergic rhinitis or rhinosinusitis or rhinopolyp remained uncontrolled. Concomitant without allergic rhinitis, younger age, better treatment adherence and higher education level might positively impact asthma control among asthmatic patients with combined nasal diseases. Perennial allergic rhinitis (OR = 1.5, P = 0.021), moderate-severe allergic rhinitis (OR = 2.2, P = 0.001) were all found to significantly increase the risk of uncontrolled asthma among asthma patients with combined allergic rhinitis. The high prevalence of uncontrolled asthma indicates that asthma management among adult Chinese asthmatic patients comorbid with nasal disease is still a challenge. Efforts should be made to raise the awareness of asthma management and to provide sufficient treatment will greatly contribute to improved quality of asthma management. It is possible to minimize the influence of allergic rhinitis on asthma control by improving nasal function, especially for more severe allergic rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis.

上一篇: 哮喘患者急诊再就诊危险因素:基于人群的研究
下一篇: 稳定期寡粒细胞型哮喘患者的临床、功能和炎症特征:与痰液不同表型比较
