


   基于文本的戒烟干预可以有效辅助戒烟,但在农村老年患者中尚无研究。本研究目的旨在比较基于文本的逐步减量计划(SGR)和非SGR之间的疗效差异。大于60岁的成年人随机分入:1) SGR组(n=20), 4周内基于文本逐步戒断联合基于文本的支持短信。2)对照组(n=20), 仅接受基于文本的支持短信。受试者在基线期和研究结束时完成调查并评估干预措施的可行性和可接受程度,生化指标评价7天时点戒断率。大多数受试者(81%)均阅读所有接受信息。受试者反馈两种干预方法均对戒烟有效(SGR = 57%,对照组= 63%),并且会推荐给身边的朋友(SGR = 72%, 对照组= 79%)。尽管没有统计学差异,但SGR组仍较对照组具有生化指标意义上更高的戒断率(SGR = 15%, 对照组= 5%, Cohen d = 0.67)。在所有未戒断受试者中,平均烟量下降两组均达到33.3%。研究提示基于文本的戒烟干预不仅可行,也颇有成效,可以在农村老年烟民中推广。

(上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院呼吸与危重症医学科 周剑平 万欢英 摘译)

(Health Educ Res. 2018 Jan 4. doi: 10.1093/her/cyx080. [Epub ahead of print])


Feasibility of a text-based smoking cessation intervention in rural older adults.


Health Educ Res. 2018 Jan 4. doi: 10.1093/her/cyx080. [Epub ahead of print]

Noonan D, et al.
Text-based interventions are effective for smoking cessation, but have not been tested in rural older adults. The purpose of this study was to compare the feasibility, acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a text-based Scheduled Gradual Reduction (SGR) program to a non-SGR text messaging support condition among rural older adults. Adults over 60 years were randomized to either: (i) the SGR program (n = 20), a text-based program to reduce smoking over 4-weeks plus text-based support messages; or (ii) control (n = 20), receipt of text-based support messages only. Participants completed surveys at baseline and end of program to assess feasibility and acceptability of the intervention, and biochemically validated 7-day point prevalence cessation was assessed at end of treatment. Most participants (81%) reported reading all the messages they received. Participants found both interventions useful in quitting smoking (SGR = 57%, Control = 63%) and would recommend it to a friend (SGR = 72%, Control = 79%). Although not statically significant, the SGR group had a higher rate of biochemically validated cessation (SGR = 15%, Control = 5%, Cohen d = 0.67). Among those still smoking, the median percent reduction in cigarettes was 33.3% for both groups. Text-based cessation interventions are feasible, acceptable and can be easily disseminated to rural older adult tobacco users.

上一篇: 降低家庭烟民和儿童空气颗粒物水平:一项随机研究
下一篇: 青年澳大利亚女性对吸烟和戒烟的描述:一项使用视觉方法的定性研究
