

   大致有4种主题:1)身体是一种累赘: 严重的哮喘给日常生活、事业、人际关系和家庭生活等带来了广泛限制,被采访者因此感到情绪低落。2)治疗是一种负担:被采访者大多接受了按需治疗,但是他们对口服糖皮质激素的副作用尤为关注。3)因哮喘感到孤独:被采访者在发生呼吸困难和急性加重时会感到被误解和孤独;在无助的时候,他们常常缺乏情感上的帮助,哮喘的悲观情绪被放大。4)努力适应:患者在遭受严重哮喘困扰的时候会采取积极策略(获得自我管理技能)和不积极策略(避免体力消耗)。

(复旦大学附属中山医院 呼吸科 包晨 摘译 杨冬 审校)
(European Respiratory Journal 201750:1700765;DOI:10.1183/13993003.00765-2017)

“I have lost in every facet of my life”: the hidden burden of severe asthma
Juliet M. Foster, Vanessa M. McDonald, Michael Guo, Helen K. Reddel
European Respiratory Journal 2017 50: 1700765;DOI:10.1183/13993003.00765-2017
People with severe asthma are thought to face a sizeable daily disease burden. This study aimed to explore the little-known life experiences of people living with severe asthma.
Adults with severe asthma were invited for telephone interview. Semistructured interviews were conducted until no new themes emerged. The 25 interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed thematically.
Four themes emerged. 1) “The body as a hindrance”: severe asthma placed broad limits on life from daily chores to career, relationships and family life that left interviewees feeling emotionally distressed. 2) “Burden of treatment”: participants mostly accepted the need to take treatment, but were particularly concerned about side-effects of oral corticosteroids. 3) “Alone with asthma”: interviewees felt misunderstood and alone in their experience of breathlessness and frightening exacerbations; practical and emotional support needs were often lacking and the emotional distress of severe asthma was amplified in those with little support. 4) “Striving to adapt”: patients used both positive strategies (acquiring self-management skills) and less positive strategies (avoidance of physical exertion) in the process of adjustment to living with severe asthma.
Severe asthma imposes long-term, debilitating burdens and should be considered differently to milder disease. There is an urgent need to improve practical and emotional support services for patients and their carers.

上一篇: ICS治疗依从性电子化监测:一项识别儿童重症哮喘的重要工具
下一篇: 美国哮喘或慢阻肺人群中确诊患有百日咳患者的经济负担:一项源于管理性申报数据库的研究
