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(中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 王瑞茵 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(J Asthma. 2017 Oct 11:1-13. doi: 10.1080/02770903.2017.1323918. [Epub ahead of print])

Comparative features of Asthma with frequent or infrequent exacerbations: A longitudinal study of retrospective and prospective events.
Boulay MÈ1, Pruneau-Pomerleau C1, Villeneuve H1, Deschesnes F1, Ringuette L1, Boulet LP1.
BACKGROUND AND AIM:A "frequent exacerbator phenotype" has been described, mostly in the population of patients with severe asthma. Further data are needed on such exacerbation-prone patients in milder asthma. To compare the characteristics of frequent and nonfrequent exacerbators in asthma of different severities and to assess the stability of the exacerbator status.
METHODS:This was an observational study comparing baseline data from frequent (≥2 exacerbations in the past year) and nonfrequent (<2 exacerbations in the past year) exacerbators. Patients were also followed up for one year. Information regarding clinical, physiologic, and inflammatory characteristics was collected at baseline and one-year follow-up.
RESULTS:Forty-seven frequent and 53 nonfrequent exacerbators were recruited. No specific clinical, physiologic, or inflammatory characteristic was observed in the frequent as compared to the nonfrequent exacerbators at baseline. Fifty-eight percent of patients reporting frequent exacerbations at baseline remained in this group after one year of follow-up. Forty-two and 62% of patients with, respectively, mild-to-moderate asthma and severe asthma had frequent exacerbations. In a post hoc analysis according to asthma severity, frequent exacerbators with severe asthma had a higher body mass index and poorer asthma control, although they reported higher adherence to medication, in comparison to frequent exacerbators with mild-to-moderate asthma. No specific characteristics could discriminate between frequent and nonfrequent exacerbators of the same asthma severity.
CONCLUSIONS:Frequent exacerbators with severe asthma present some specific characteristics not observed in frequent exacerbators with mild-to-moderate disease. However, the latter group should be identified to reassess treatment needs and potential contributing factors.

上一篇: 英国婴幼儿到老年哮喘的发作风险和特征
下一篇: 哮喘与患冠心病的风险:相关队列研究的META分析
