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   方法:严重肥胖女性(体重指数>35 kg/m2)分别完成关于静息及活动相关呼吸暂停描述(言语描述和医学研究委员会(MRC)量表)的描述,肺功能测试(肺活量测定,绝对肺容积和乙酰甲胆碱激发试验),食道胃十二指肠纤维镜检查和整夜多导睡眠监测。研究纳入30例无气道高反应的清瘦女性。
   结果:在肥胖女性中,静息时呼吸困难的发生率(41%)较健康女性(3%)高,其中胸闷及深呼吸需求与哮喘及GERD独立相关,而喘息、咳嗽与哮喘的相关性仅出现于肥胖女性。活动相关呼吸困难非常多见(MRC 评分>1, 75%),且其与肥胖相关,但与哮喘所致的喘息加重无关。而无症状性AHR与SDB不会影响呼吸困难症状。

(中国医科大学附属一院呼吸与危重症学科 李文扬 摘译 杨冬 审校)
(J Asthma. 2013;50(6):565-72.)
Cross-sectional assessment of the roles of comorbidities in resting and activity-related dyspnea in severely obese women.
Essalhi M, Gillaizeau F, Chevallier JM, Ducloux R, Chevalier-Bidaud B
OBJECTIVES:Obesity has been associated with a lesser degree of asthma control that may be biased by other comorbidities. The objectives of this cross-sectional study were to describe resting and activity-related dyspnea complaints according to the presence of obesity-related comorbidities (asymptomatic airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)). We hypothesized that obese women can exhibit both resting and activity-related dyspnea, independently of the presence of asthma.
METHODS:Severely obese (body mass index (BMI) > 35 kg m(-2)) women prospectively underwent description of resting and activity-related dyspnea (verbal descriptors and Medical Research Council (MRC) scale), pulmonary function testing (spirometry, absolute lung volumes, and methacholine challenge test), oesogastro-duodenal fibroscopy, and overnight polygraphy. Thirty healthy lean women without airway hyperresponsiveness were enrolled.
RESULTS:Resting dyspnea complaints were significantly more prevalent in obesity (prevalence 41%) than in healthy lean women (prevalence 3%). Chest tightness and the need for deep inspirations were independently associated with both asthma and GERD while wheezing and cough were related to asthma only in obese women. Activity-related dyspnea was very prevalent (MRC score > 1, 75%), associated with obesity, with the exception of wheezing on exertion due to asthma. Asymptomatic AHR and SDB did not affect dyspneic complaints.
CONCLUSIONS:In severely obese women referred for bariatric surgery, resting dyspnea complaints are observed in association with asthma or GERD, while activity-related dyspnea was mainly related to obesity only. Consequently, asthma does not explain all respiratory complaints of obese women.

上一篇: 美国护士消毒剂职业暴露于和其哮喘控制
下一篇: 在亚洲睡眠诊所转诊患者中胃食管反流病与睡眠紊乱之间的关系
