(J Asthma Allegy.2107;10:231-236 Emma R Mclvor)
The Evolving Role of Tiotropium in Asthma
Tiotropium is a long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) that exerts its bronchodilatoryeffect by blocking endogenous acetylcholine receptors in the airways. Its safety andefficacy are well established for the treatment of COPD, and it is now being recognized for its role in improving lung function and control in asthma. This review discusses the evolving role oftiotropium delivered by the Respimat in patients across the range of asthma severities and ages,and provides an overview of safety and efficacy data. Tiotropium is the only LAMA currentlyapproved for the treatment of asthma, and evidence from a large-scale clinical trial program,including several Phase III studies in adults, has demonstrated that tiotropium improves lungfunction and asthma control, with a safety profile comparable with that of placebo. Clinical trials in adolescent patients (aged 12–17 years) have also shown improvements in lung functionand trends towardimproved asthma control. Of note, the efficacy and safety profiles areconsistent regardless of baseline characteristics and phenotype. Given the large and growingbody of evidence, it is likely that as clinical experience with tiotropium increases, this treatmentmay possibly emerge as the key choice for add-on therapy to inhaledcorticosteroids/long-acting2-agonists, and in patients who do not tolerate long-acting bronchodilators or other medications,in the future.