结果:一共纳入276 名受试者,包括172名哮喘患者(男63例、女109例),平均年龄(42±14)岁,104名健康对照者(男52例、女51例),平均年龄为(39±12)年。平均哮喘发病时间15年,严重程度:6.4%间歇性发作、17.9%轻度持续、47.4%中度持续,28.2%为重度持续。疾病控制程度:57.7%完全控制、28.2%部分控制、14.1%未控制。哮喘组女性患者的性功能障碍较对照组女性严重,FSFI评分分别为(22.1±9)分、(26.5±6.8)分(P<0.005)。与对照组男性相比,哮喘组男性患者有更严重的勃起功能障碍,IIEF评分分别为(59.5±12.5)分、(64.3±8.2)(P<0.05)。还观察到性功能障碍和哮喘控制差之间具有相关性。
(Arch Bronconeumol. 2017 Jun 21. pii: S0300-2896(17)30153-9. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2017.05.011. [Epub ahead of print])
Impact of Asthma on the Sexual Functioning of Patients. A Case-Control Study.
Soto Campos JG, Rojas Villegas J, Padilla Galo A, Marina Malanda N, Garcia Rivero JL, Pinedo Sierra C, Garcia Salmones M, Cabrera Galán C, Segura Molina E, Plaza V; Grupo Emergente de Asma (GEA) del Área de Asma de la SEPAR.
INTRODUCTION:Sexual limitations play an important role in the quality of life of patients with chronic diseases. Very limited information is available on the impact of asthma on the sexual functioning of these individuals.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:Cross-sectional, observational, multicenter study. Asthma patients and healthy individuals were recruited. All subjects participated in an interview in which demographic and clinical data were recorded, and completed the Goldberg Anxiety-Depression Scale (GADS) to evaluate the presence of concomitant psychiatric disease. Men also completed the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), and women, the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI).
RESULTS:A total of 276 cases were included, comprising 172 asthma patients (63 men and 109 women) with a mean age of 42 (±14) years, and 104 controls (52men and 51women) with a mean age of 39 (±12) years. Time since onset of asthma was 15 years and severity distribution was: 6.4% intermittent, 17.9% mild persistent, 47.4% moderate, and 28.2% severe. Disease was considered controlled in 57.7%, partially controlled in 28.2%, and uncontrolled in 14.1%. Women with asthma had greater sexual limitations than women in the control group, with a total FSFI score of 22.1 (±9) compared to 26.5 (±6.8), respectively (P<.005). Men with asthma had significantly more severe erectile dysfunction with a total IIEF score of 59.5 (±12.5) compared to 64.3 (±8.2) in male controls (P<.05). An association was also observed between sexual problems and poorer asthma control.
CONCLUSIONS:Asthma is associated with a poorer sexual quality of life among patients. These results should arouse the interest of healthcare professionals in detecting and alleviating possible sexual limitations among their asthma patients in routine clinical practice.