结果:与指南实施前比较,指南实施后每月β-内酰胺类抗生素试验剂量显著增加(中位数14.5,四分位数间距13-16.25, vs 中位数2,四分位数间距1-3.25, P <0.001)。在指南实施后的试验剂量下发生了7种药物不良反应,但指南实施前后不良反应的发生率(3.9% vs 6.1%,P = 0.44)或严重程度(P>0.5)无显著差异。指南实施后的试验剂量减少了替代抗生素治疗,包括万古霉素(68.3% vs 37.2%, P <0.001)、氨曲南(11.5% vs 0.5%, P <0.001)、氨基糖苷类(6.0% vs 1.1%, P = 0.004)和氟喹诺酮类(15.3% vs 3.3%,P <0.001)。
(杨冬 审校)
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2015 Jun 9. pii: S1081-1206(15)00336-1. doi: 10.1016/j.anai.2015.05.011. [Epub ahead of print]
Impact of a clinical guideline for prescribing antibiotics to inpatients reporting penicillin or cephalosporin allergy.
Blumenthal KG1, Shenoy ES2, Varughese CA3, Hurwitz S4, Hooper DC5, Banerji A6.
BACKGROUND:Self-reported penicillin allergy infrequently reflects an inability to tolerate penicillins. Inpatients reporting penicillin allergy receive alternative antibiotics that might be broader spectrum, more toxic, or less effective.
OBJECTIVE:To develop and assess a clinical guideline for the general inpatient provider that directs taking a history and prescribing antibiotics for patients with penicillin or cephalosporin allergy.
METHODS:A guideline was implemented to assist providers with assessing allergy history and prescribing antibiotics for patients with reported penicillin or cephalosporin allergy. The guideline used a standard 2-step graded challenge or test dose. A quasi-experimental study was performed to assess safety, feasibility, and impact on antibiotic use by comparing treatment 21 months before guideline implementation with 12 months after guideline implementation.
RESULTS:Significantly more test doses to β-lactam antibiotics were performed monthly after vs before guideline implementation (median 14.5, interquartile range 13-16.25, vs 2, interquartile range 1-3.25, P < .001). Seven adverse drug reactions occurred during guideline-driven test doses, with no significant difference in rate (3.9% vs 6.1%, P = .44) or severity (P > .5) between periods. Guideline-driven test doses decreased alternative antimicrobial therapy after the test dose, including vancomycin (68.3% vs 37.2%, P < .001), aztreonam (11.5% vs 0.5%, P < .001), aminoglycosides (6.0% vs 1.1%, P = .004), and fluoro quinolones (15.3% vs 3.3%, P < .001).
CONCLUSION:The implementation of an inpatient antibiotic prescribing guideline for patients with penicillin or cephalosporin allergy was associated with an almost 7-fold increase in the number of test doses to β-lactams without increased adverse drug reactions. Patients assessed with guideline-driven test doses were observed to have significantly decreased alternative antibiotic exposure.
AnnAllergy Asthma Immunol. 2015Jun9.pii:S1081-1206(15)00336-1.doi:10.1016/j.anai.2015.05.011. [Epub ahead of print]