土著居民成人哮喘患者中,体育锻炼缺乏和看电视时间方面的情况: 一项土著居民调查的横断面分析


研究目的 1) 在土著居民成人哮喘患者中,了解哮喘与体力活动水平或久坐不动时间之间的关系, 2) 了解患有哮喘的土著居民成人中,体力活动不足、久坐不动的时间对医疗保健使用方面的影响。
   方法:我们分析了来自2006年土著居民调查中20953位成人。这些土著居民中当前哮喘的诊断方法:医生诊断为哮喘并且最近有哮喘用药处方史。 体育锻炼不足定义为每周少于3小时中度到剧烈强度的体力活动; 看电视时间过长定义为大于每周10小时。医疗保健的使用是通过健康专家的拜访次数和住院留夜的次数来评估.
   结果:土著居民哮喘患者比未患哮喘者看电视时间更长 (优势比为1.16; CI: 1.11-1.22) 、体育锻炼时间更加不足(优势比1.15; CI: 1.10-1.20)。 报告显示看电视时间过长的哮喘患者在过去的12个月中健康专家咨询次数更多(优势比为2.59; CI: 2.34-2.87), 在过去1年中有更多的医院留夜次数 (优势比为1.95; CI: 1.82-2.08) 和在过去5年中医院留夜次数更多 (优势比为1.13; CI: 1.07-1.18);体力活动与医疗保健使用相关性较低。.
   结论:这些发现表明相比没有得哮喘的土著居民,患有哮喘的土著居民活动量更少,这样的生活方式可能引起更高的医疗使用。 这些发现提示应该大力推广体力活动并且针对久坐不动的哮喘患者应采取有效措施。


(杨冬 审交)
Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. 2015 May;35(3):54-61.



Physical inactivity and television-viewing time among Aboriginal adults withasthma: a cross-sectional analysis of the Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

[Article in English, French]
Doggett N1, Dogra S2.
Author information


The purpose of this analysis was to 1) determine the association between asthma and physical activity levels or sedentary time among Aboriginal adults, and 2) understand the influence of physical inactivity and sedentary time on health care use among Aboriginal adults with asthma.
METHODS:We analyzed 20 953 adults from the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey. Those with self-reported physician-diagnosed asthma and a current prescription for asthma medication were considered to have currentasthma. Insufficient physical activity was defined as < 3 hours/week of moderate to vigorous physical activity; high television screen time was defined as > 10 hours/week. Health care use was assessed using the number of health professional visits and overnight hospital stays.
RESULTS:Aboriginal adults with asthma were more likely to report high television-viewing time (OR = 1.16; CI: 1.11-1.22) and insufficient physical activity (OR = 1.15; CI: 1.10-1.20) than those without asthma. Those with asthma who reported high television-viewing time reported more health professional consults in the past 12 months (OR = 2.59; CI: 2.34-2.87), more overnight stays in hospital in the past year (OR = 1.95; CI: 1.82-2.08) and more overnight stays in the hospital in the past 5 years (OR = 1.13; CI: 1.07-1.18); results were less consistent for physical activity and health care use.
CONCLUSION:These findings suggest that Aboriginal adults with asthma are less active than their peers without asthma and that such a lifestyle may be associated with higher health care use. These findings have implications for physical activity promotion and sedentary behaviour strategies targeting Aboriginal adults withasthma.


Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. 2015 May;35(3):54-61

上一篇: 出生第一年的抗生素暴露和之后接受哮喘治疗的关系, 一项纳入143,000 名儿童的以人群为基础的出生队列研究
下一篇: 城市肥胖青少年哮喘患者的炎症反应、代谢异常与肺功能
