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   结果:初次随访时,9.8%(干预组)-12.9%(对照组)的患者存在哮喘未控制,哮喘未控制是指患者在过去的3个月内由于呼吸相关问题急诊就诊或住院治疗,和/或使用超过250喷以上的速效β受体激动剂(FABA)治疗。在试验结束时,干预组的吸入性糖皮质激素与速效β受体激动剂的剂量比率明显增加(0.93 vs. 0.69: 差异: 0.27; 95% 可信区间: 0.02-0.51; P = 0.03)。总体哮喘未控制率为54.7(对照组)和46.2(干预组)/100例患者/年(100 PY),无显著差异率为-8.7(95% 可信区间: -24.7, 7.3; P = 0.29)。对研究之初为未控制哮喘者干预效果较大,与干预组可控哮喘患者相比(-0.08每100PY,[95% 可信区间: -10.3, 8.6; P = 0.86].,干预组哮喘未控制者得到哮喘控制更好,在随访中出现的5597次哮喘未控制事件中这组患者占44.7%,与研究之初为哮喘控制者相比(-0.08[95% 可信区间: -10.3, 8.6; P = 0.86]其哮喘未控制事件发生率下降-28.4每100患者年(95%可信区间I: -55.6, -1.2; P = 0.04)。


(杨冬 审校)
J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 Feb 10. pii: ocu009. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocu009. [Epub ahead of print]


Evaluating the impact of an integrated computer-based decision support with person-centered analytics for the management of asthma in primary care: a randomized controlled trial.


Tamblyn R1, Ernst P2, Winslade N3, Huang A4, Grad R5, Platt RW6, Ahmed S7, Moraga T3, Eguale T8.

Computer-based decision support has been effective in providing alerts for preventive care. Our objective was to determine whether a personalized asthma management computer-based decision support increases the quality of asthma management and reduces the rate of out-of-control episodes.
METHODS: A cluster-randomized trial was conducted in Quebec, Canada among 81 primary care physicians and 4447 of their asthmatic patients. Patients were followed from the first visit for 3-33 months. The physician control group used the Medical Office of the 21st century (MOXXI) system, an integrated electronic health record. A custom-developed asthma decision support system was integrated within MOXXI and was activated for physicians in the intervention group.
RESULTS: At the first visit, 9.8% (intervention) to 12.9% (control) of patients had out-of-control asthma, which was defined as a patient having had an emergency room visit or hospitalization for respiratory-related problems and/or more than 250 doses of fast-acting β-agonist (FABA) dispensed in the past 3 months. By the end of the trial, there was a significant increase in the ratio of doses of inhaled corticosteroid use to fast-acting β-agonist (0.93 vs. 0.69: difference: 0.27; 95% CI: 0.02-0.51; P = 0.03) in the intervention group. The overall out-of-control asthma rate was 54.7 (control) and 46.2 (intervention) per 100 patients per year (100 PY), a non-significant rate difference of -8.7 (95% CI: -24.7, 7.3; P = 0.29). The intervention's effect was greater for patients with out-of-control asthma at the beginning of the study, a group who accounted for 44.7% of the 5597 out-of-control asthma events during follow-up, as there was a reduction in the event rate of -28.4 per 100 PY (95% CI: -55.6, -1.2; P = 0.04) compared to patients with in-control asthma at the beginning of the study (-0.08 [95% CI: -10.3, 8.6; P = 0.86]).
DISCUSSION: This study evaluated the effectiveness of a novel computer-assisted ADS system that facilitates systematic monitoring of asthma control status, follow-up of patients with out of control asthma, and evidence-based, patient-specific treatment recommendations. We found that physicians were more likely to use ADS for out-of-control patients, that in the majority of these patients, they were advised to add an inhaled corticosteroid or a leukotriene inhibitor to the patient s treatment regimen, and the intervention significantly increased the mean ratio of inhaled corticosteroids to FABA during follow-up. It also reduced the rate of out-of-control episodes during follow up among patients whose asthma was out-of-control at the time of study entry. Future research should assess whether coupling patient-specific treatment recommendations, automated follow-up, and home care with comparative feedback on quality and outcomes of care can improve guideline adoption and care outcomes.
CONCLUSIONS: The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association.


J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 Feb 10. pii: ocu009. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocu009. [Epub ahead of print]

上一篇: 疑似患有职业性哮喘的劳务工作者的健康信念和行为举止
下一篇: 频繁急性发作—重症哮喘的独特表型
