- GOLD 2019 v1.4 FINAL 2018-11-02
- 我国首个嗜酸性肉芽肿性多血管炎诊治规范多学科专家共识发布 2018-08-10
- GINA 2018 Appendix for committee 2018-03-19
- GINA main pocket guide_2018 v1.0 for GINA committee members 2018-03-05
- GINA 2018 strategy report V1.0 for GINA committee members 2018-03-05
- 无创气道炎症评估在支气管哮喘的临床应用中国专家共识 2017-12-19
- “重症哮喘诊断和处理中国专家共识”解读 2017-11-30
- GINA Asthma Audit 31JUL2017 2017-09-18
- GINA Asthma Action Plan 12JAN2015 2017-09-18
- GINA assessment of asthma control 31JUL2017 2017-09-18
- 日本成人哮喘指南2017 2017-08-07
- GINA 2017 Appendix_final 2017-02-23
- (wms) Main pocket guide_2017 2017-02-16
- GINA 2017 main report final 2017-02-16
- 大环内酯类药物的抗菌外作用与临床应用专家共识 2017-01-03
- 哮喘-慢阻肺重叠综合征的新认识2016年欧美专家共识解读 2016-12-28
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- 2017 GOLD Report 2016-11-21
- Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis_ rationale and clinical guid 2016-05-09
- 世界过敏组织:舌下含服脱敏治疗意见书2013更新版(英文版及翻译版) 2015-11-11